electricity MARKET

Today, renewable energies account for around one third of Europe's electricity supply. But the more the power supply comes from weather-dependent energy sources such as wind and sun, the more the feed-in into the power grid fluctuates.


The electricity market should guarantee a secure, cost-effective and environmentally friendly supply of electricity and must on the one hand synchronise generation and consumption and on the other ensure that sufficient capacities are available even in times of peak demand.


The Renewable Energy Sources Act (EEG) has caused a considerable and long-term cost burden on electricity prices, especially for private and commercial consumers, on the one hand, and capital accumulation among producers of renewable energies, on the other.


The inconsistent climate protection policies of the respective governments result in great uncertainties for all participants in the electricity market. Added to this are the challenges of digitization.


The four major power generators in Germany are still RWE, Uniper, Vattenfall and EnBW. There are also a large number of medium-sized producers, above all local or regional municipal utilities. As a result of the energy revolution, new types of producers such as biomass, wind power or photovoltaic plants have entered the market in recent years. A private person can also become an electricity generator if a photovoltaic system is installed on the roof.


A large number of nuclear power plants have already been decommissioned or will be decommissioned in the next few years. Lignite and hard coal are also to be phased out of the market in the next few years for reasons of climate protection.


Questions of the feasibility and enforceability of the many necessary new north-south power lines instead of environmentally friendly local electricity production and the problem of electricity storage are not solved.


In this environment, power supply companies must ask themselves which business models can be used to ensure the survival and future success of the company.



How will national unilateral efforts in the face of a European electricity interconnection affect my company if nuclear and coal-fired power plants continue to be operated or built in our neighbouring countries?


How can I best immunize my investments against ongoing regulatory intervention?


Does it make sense to invest in generating plants and, if so, in which?


How much will Germany's future electricity demand increase?


How do I position my company with regard to the lack of storage technologies and the problem of the dark lows?


What is the value of the power supply system's infrastructure systems today and how will they develop under different scenarios?


How have the most important competitors positioned themselves in the market along the value chain and what strategy do they pursue?


What is the "minimum configuration" of the sales portfolio in order to be able to successfully participate in the end customer business in the future?


How is a successful power procurement structured?


Are there prospects for electricity outside traditional end consumers (households, commerce, industry) and what would they look like?


management consulting services

+ Expert reports on supply

    security and the 

    transformation of the gas     

    and energy system.

+ Market and competition


       STUDIES & REPORTS                + Analyses of long-term 

    trends and market     


Strategy development for

    established suppliers

+ Market entry strategies for

   producers, traders and

   energy suppliers



Optimization of electricity 

    procurement along the     

    entire process

+ Benchmarking and     

   optimization of structures

   in trade and sales


deal advisory services

Support in negotiating long-

    term contracts between

    producers, dealers,

    infrastructure providers and


+ Conclusion and 

    CONTRACT NEGOTIATION             renegotiation of long and

                                                                 medium-term electricity and

                                                                 heat supply contracts

Expert opinions and experts

   for arbitration and 

   conciliation proceedings



