LNG is a very environmentally friendly fuel (low noise, NOx and fine dust emissions) for heavy goods traffic and sea transport. However, compared to neighbouring countries such as the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK and Spain, the market in Germany is highly underdeveloped.
Accordingly, there is still no corresponding infrastructure for small-scale LNG except for the first mobile LNG filling stations. LNG is produced either in liquefaction plants using natural gas from the network or as renewable LNG by liquefying biomethane, alternatively procured from one of the major European LNG import terminals. The small scale LNG infrastructure also includes LNG filling stations, tank trucks, rail tankers, LNG tank barges, LNG bunker ships and regional LNG tank farms.
Will the transport market and some market niches for natural gas become attractive as LNG, and if so, slowly or suddenly?
How can LNG gain a significant market share from diesel?
Will small-scale LNG be an attractive new commitment for my company, also given the relatively high investment costs for cryogenic technology and the lack of infrastructure regulation?
What are the advantages of entering the market through infrastructure investment?
The better choice
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