High voltage power lines are mainly built as overhead lines, which are considerably cheaper, easier to maintain and have lower losses than underground cables or submarine cables. The main components of a gas pipeline network are pipelines and compressor stations. A distribution network is a network which serves the fine distribution of e.g. electrical energy, natural gas or heat to the individual consumers.
Electricity and gas networks in Germany are regulated by the BNetzA. It stipulates a return on equity, an economic life cycle and a constant increase in economic efficiency.
Even if energy consumption in Germany and many European countries should no longer increase significantly due to climate targets and increasing energy efficiency, significant new investments are required time and again in addition to typical maintenance investments, whether due to smart grids, the integration of renewable energy production, the long transmission paths for electricity from offshore wind power plants and the shift in import sources for natural gas, the transit of natural gas to European third countries, the transport of renewable natural gas and the L-H gas market space conversion due to the drying up of L-gas sources.
What distortions of competition are we currently experiencing as a result of European subsidies for infrastructures and divergent national regulations in neighbouring countries?
How can my company compete in the long term and sustainably with the mostly state-owned infrastructure operators in neighbouring European countries?
Are the limits on return on equity set by BNetzA appropriate?
Are our investments reaching the regulatory lifetimes in view of the climate protection policy of the German government?
+ Expert opinions on
regulatory issues (e.g.
adequate return on equity)
+ Representation of clients'
regulatory issues at national
and European institutions
REGULATORY MANAGEMENT + Lobbying for certain
regulatory changes for clients
+ Analysis, support and
representation of interests in
gas and electricity network
development plans at national and European level
The better choice
Wallotstr. 16, D-45136 Essen
Tel +49 (0)201 10 26 91 83
© 2023 Merkel Energy GmbH